Breast lift
The breast lift procedure involves the relocation of the areola and the physical lifting and tightening of the breast skin and tissues achieving a firm, youthful bust contour. This operation is frequently requested after the breast- deflating effects of extensive weight loss or breastfeeding.
The surgeons at BariClinic offers a variety of services with safe and effective techniques.
If you’re thinking about undergoing Breast Lift, our experienced Dr. Karolis Černauskis can help you.
Breast Lift without Implant
A breast lift without implants can be an excellent option for those who want to lift their nipple position and/or breast tissue. This popular procedure is designed to eliminate the extra skin that we frequently see after pregnancy, weight loss or other reasons.
Breast Lift and Augmentation
Women can benefit from breast augmentation and a breast lift (mastopexy) in combination. These procedures can help women achieve breasts that appear fuller, rounder, perkier, and more youthful.
Breast Lift surgery procedure
The procedure of breast lift takes 2-3 hours and is done under general anesthesia.
“Donut“ – incision around the areola.
“Lollipop“ – a circular incision around the areola, extending downward in a vertical line.
Most common procedure involves an anchor-shaped incision, a circular incision around the areola, extending downward in a vertical line and in the fold underneath the breast following the natural contour of the breast. This method is ideal for heavy sagging or after significant weight loss.
Surgeon will reshape your breasts, removing excess skin and tissue that’s causing the sagging, then reposition and possibly resize the areola.
The final step is inserting stitches and putting on a special bra.
Breast lift surgery Post Op and Recovery
Patients must stay in a clinic after the surgery for 1 day in order to be supervised by a surgeon.
Bandages over the surgical sites should be changed every 2–3 days. Patients are strongly advised to wear a special surgical bra 24 hours per day for the next 6 weeks and to avoid sports and other physical activities.
The patient can return to work within a few days if occupation does not require strenuous movements and arm raising.
The recovery period after a breast lift procedure varies from patient to patient. Most women will feel well enough to return to work within 1 – 2 weeks, with the majority of their swelling resolving in about 3 – 6 weeks.
Ready for a change?
Call us at +370 636 87410 or schedule a non-binding consultation at Bariclinic in Lithuania.